Lemon slice

The base:
170g plain flour
55g icing sugar
a pinch of salt
170g unsalted butter
zest of 1 lime
rub butter and flour together to form bread crumb like appearance, add icing sugar and lime zest. Press over bottom of a slice tin
put in oven at 170c for 20 mins
remove from oven and let cool slightly
4 eggs
zest & Juice of 2 lemons
350g caster sugar
175g whipping cream
add eggs and sugar together and beat until well combined.
mix in cream and lemon
pour over base, cook in 170c oven for 40 mins, or until topping is spongy looking
cut into slices, and serve slightly warm or chilled.
Results: this slice was pretty yummy. i added the juice from the lime to the topping mix, and it was very yummy. But if you dont like super lemony things, dont do this. I think it also made it a little bit sloppy. So perhaps cook a little longer if you do this
Source: from some tv show on channel 72... slightly modified for yumminess :P